第四色网主页 11部拦阻错过的恐怖电影

第四色网主页 11部拦阻错过的恐怖电影

Once upon a time, horror movies regularly ran in your local multiplex. But lately, newer high-quality horror flicks can be found on our televisions. It's a blessing and a curse, there's not that much room for independently produced films to scare crowds en masse at their local theaters, but we know there's always something to find on streaming sites and VOD rental platforms. 往常,恐怖片一般只在当地影院如期上映。而如今,咱们用电视就能看到新上映、高品性的恐怖片。这既是福亦然祸,在当地影院再也看不到那么多不雅众被独处制作的恐怖片吓得尖叫的处所了第四色网主页,但咱们知谈从视频网站和网上视频收费平台总能找到咱们念念看的恐怖片。

So here are 11 horror flicks that you can watch at home with all the lights off and junk food galore -- which some would argue is even better than going to a multiplex and dealing with jerks who talk during all the scary bits. 这里给你推选11部不错在家观赏的恐怖片,把家里的灯沿路关掉,一边吃着多样垃圾食物,一边观赏电影。有东谈主说这么比去影院看电影很多了,最起码你无须隐忍身旁一出现恐怖镜头,就鼎力评论一番的蠢蛋了。



1. Bite (2015) 《变蚁东谈主》(2015)

This one earned mixed reviews, but please save me a seat on the "really dug it" side of the equation. This freaky Canadian import is about a young woman who slowly transforms (more like "degenerates") into a she-creature after crossing paths with an exotic insect(ish thing). Toss in a few icky kills, a decent dosage of compelling subtext, some fine acting under tough circumstances, and more icky goo than any one film probably needs, and you're looking at a nasty yet darkly amusing horror flick that my mom wouldn't be able to sit through for more than nine minutes. Seth Brundle, on the other hand, would love it. 这部影片口碑挑剔不一,然则我已经深深千里迷在这部电影的魔力中。这部惊悚的加拿大电影请教的是别称年青的女子被一种外来虫子之类的东西咬了之后,缓缓变形(更像退化)出现虫豸的特征。一些恶心无比的屠戮情节,恰到克己、天际有天的潜台词第四色网主页,在鬈曲的环境中演员体现出来的深通演技,还有比别的电影更多的多样恶心的怪物,这即是你要找的重口味、却带特兴味的阴晦惊悚片。像我妈这种东谈主看这种片子毫不会逾越9分钟,然则像电影变蝇东谈主里的荒诞科学家Seth Brundle笃定会可爱的。